Hi All,
Today is the day that these awesome bundles go live to everyone.There are 2 different bundles you can get one for a beginner and one for someone who has been stamping for a while. You can check them out at my online webstore at: www.skybowcreations.stampinup.net. As a demonstrator I was able to buy the bundles early. I got so excited once I saw the suite at OnStage in April that I ordered them right away and had planned to have some samples ready to go but in my hurry I bought the French bundle by mistake & had to wait for the English version stamp set to arrive. It finally arrived last Monday afternoon which should have given me time to play & have samples ready to share before writing this post, but life has a away of getting away from us. Monday evening was full of talking with a mortgage broker and getting information to get a new home here in Arizona. Before I knew it Monday was just a memory. Tuesday dawned & again it was busy especially since I was away from home most of the day running errands.The last errand was to a dog rescue facility. You see I have been missing my Allie Bear who passed away near the end of March and I thought having a new fur baby would help me not think about how quiet the house was without her. No dog can ever replace her, but I thought it might help me not to miss her quite so much. While I was at the dog rescue facility to see a Jack Russell Terrier & Chihuahua mix who was named Bella I saw a super cute Chihuahua & Miniature Pinscher who was just 3 days younger than the puppy I had gone to see. I did not adopt either puppy that day as I wanted to come home pray about this decision as it is a live time commitment. I also spoke with my darling husband and youngest son. My husband wasn't really wanting a new fur baby but he said that if I wanted her I could go ahead and get her as it wasn't going to effect him all that much as he's gone most of the day at work so the puppy training and etc would mostly fall to me with a good deal of help from my youngest son. My husband was pretty great about the whole situation. So to make a long story a little shorter on Wednesday afternoon of last week I went out to the dog rescue facility again and adopted that sweet little Chihuahua & Miniature Pinscher puppy. I'd like you all to meet Petra Roxy Sanders:
She is 3 months old. She weighs in at a whopping 3 pounds and is a huge 6 inches tall. She got her name because she likes to chew on rocks and both of her names mean rock. I think she adorable and I am already in love with her. So you can see why I've been gone for a little while and what I've been up to. She has a pink sleeping crate but I only use that at night. I've ordered her a playpen which is due to arrive tomorrow so hopefully I will be able to get a few things done. Like housework, laundry and oh yeah some Eastern Palace Suite card samples made.

Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the web. Take care and until next time....
Happy Stampin'.
****Product List****
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